Stonewall Sports Charlotte: Bowling League
In 2015 Stonewall Sports Charlotte added Bowling to it’s line up of leagues. Our inaugural season registered over 25 players, resulting in 7 teams. Since our first season, we have expanded the bowling league to two seasons per year – Fall, and Spring season on Monday evenings with an average of 80-104 players per season. Our Bowling league is a very laid back, low cost, no equipment needed, no athletic skills needed sport that connects all demographics from all age ranges in a non-competitive sport!
Spring – Registration is open December 2 – 29, 2024. Season is played January – April.
Fall – Registration is open July 14 – August 10. Season is played September – November.
- Season Format - 10 Weeks + roll off night
- Date/Time - Thursdays 7:00 - 9:00 PM
- Team Size - 4 bowlers per team
- Cost - $160 per player, which includes your Stonewall Bowling T-Shirt, lineage fees, and required liability insurance
- AMF University Lanes – 5900 N Tryon St. Charlotte, NC 28213
Registration Information:
A team is formed when 4 players register and pay. Each team may have up to 4 players. Any teams that have not met the required 4 registered players when registration closes will revert to free agents and will be assigned to the formed teams. We will do our best to keep groups together.
I plan to create a team: If you plan to create a team you will need to register as a team captain. Then you can tell your other participants to register as a team player and join your team. To become one of the official new teams, you must register 4 players.
I plan to join a team: If you already know the team you are going to play on, you will need to register as a team player. Keep in mind you cannot randomly select any team; captains may ask that a player be removed from their team prior to the close of registration. Captains can email the bowling officer to move a player from their team but, only after the captain has communicated with the player and explained why.
I want to play but don’t have a team: That’s fantastic! Stonewall Sports is about making new friends. Register as a Free Agent. We will host a Free Agent Social where you can meet the players, teams, and captains. If you find a team you like you can request to be place on that team.
Game Location: AMF University Lanes — 5900 N Tryon St. Charlotte, NC 28213
After Game Activities: Sidelines Sports Bar is the place to be after games! After the matches,
teams head to Sidelines to socialize about their weekend or bowling skills. Note: Sidelines Sports Bar is a Stonewall Sports Charlotte Sponsor, please support our great partners!
Fundraising: Monies raised throughout the Stonewall Bowling Charlotte season will be distributed back into the community to local 501c3’s.
Zero Tolerance Policy: Stonewall Sports Charlotte, Inc. has zero tolerance of any bullying or harassment of any kind and for any reason of any player, captain, referee, official, participant, sponsor, director, officer or spectator. Harassment can be verbal, physical or visual, and includes all unwelcome conduct that affects someone else. The Stonewall Sports Charlotte Board of Directors has an open-door policy and welcomes you to report any conduct by any player, captain, referee, official, participant, sponsor, director, officer, or spectator that makes you feel uncomfortable. The Board of Directors takes all allegations and reports seriously and will thoroughly investigate all claims, and if warranted, will take all appropriate action.
Weekly score sheets are uploaded to League Pals for our players.
Meet Our Bowling Sport Officer
Stonewall Sports Charlotte Officers are 100% volunteers committed to a smooth operating sports season. They work with sponsors, schedules, rules, officials, and much more. If you have any questions related to Bowling please contact them below via email.