Stonewall Sports Charlotte – Black Lives Matter – Black Trans Lives Matter – Black LGBTQ Lives Matter

Stonewall Charlotte response to BLM Movement

Our community, and the world, are faced with many issues today as the march continues toward a better, and safer, place for our families. We appreciate your patience with us as we do our best to share our sentiments and show our support carefully, respectfully, and directly. Stonewall Sports Charlotte, upon its foundation, was created to celebrate many things about our community, such as our diversity, our pride, and our love for one another.  

Stonewall Sports Charlotte stands in solidarity in affirming, Black Lives Matter. The current national crisis surrounding the murder of George Floyd, tells us that it is time to make a change. We must listen, educate, and speak out against racism, and racial injustices that have oppressed the Black community since our inception. As an organization, we will always work to create safe spaces for our members and players – and we believe that our members and players have enough pride and dignity in themselves not to be affiliated with racism, or any other method of hatred, cruelty, or ugliness. 

As we head into the 51st anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, our namesake, remember to honor our Black/Brown trans/queer roots. Let us all firmly and expeditiously, activate in support of a more equitable future for our Black and Brown community members. To Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera, we are grateful for your bravery, and we thank you. In order to express our pride authentically, we must commit to making the spirit of pride accessible and inclusive to all. 

Stonewall Charlotte, lets help lift our nation and eradicate racism in America. Perform your civic duties. This can not be done alone, or left to those in positions of power. History has proven that we have the power to make change and we will use it to make the right change, now. To our Black and Brown neighbors, players, and community members: We see you, you matter, and we stand with you.

Use our resource guide here to start engaging in local and national efforts in support of the Black community. 

Black Lives Matter
Black LGBTQ Lives Matter
Black Trans Lives Matter

In solidarity,
Stonewall Sports Charlotte Leadership


Click here for a community letter from our National Board regarding Black Lives Matter and how you can get involved.


